I spend about 60 percent of my time talking to people who are varying stages of their writing careers. I have observed that after the preliminary discussions about the passion and technical aspects of their creativity, many aspiring writers cannot or will not take the necessary next steps.
When asked more probing questions, it becomes clear that either they do not want to pay the price required for success as a writer, or they don’t think the rules of personal and financial sacrifice apply to them. Whether it’s sending a manuscript to an editor or submitting a query letter, there are some who simply want to talk about their work rather than do the work required to gain the exposure, notoriety and voice they say they desire.
Talk is cheap. And people always make the time and sacrifice required for the things that are important to them. Writing is a relationship with words. In good writing relationships, the writer always has time for the craft. Without excuse or procrastination, the writer nurtures the creative process. There are good and bad days; days when the towel is only moments from being thrown in; days where the writer loves the writing; and days when the writer and the writing are at odds.
I challenge every writer to consider their present level of commitment to the craft. Does anything else have your attention; your passion? Are you making the time for your creative genius? The honesty of your inner dialogue will guide you to where you really want to be. Whatever your decision, there are no wrong answers, but an authentic response to the reality of your purpose.
You may find that other areas of your life need similar consideration and action. Like people, the craft knows when it matters to you. And both will rise to meet you and reward you for their place of prominence in your life.