“For the enlightened mind, the end celebrates a beginning.”
—Camille Gray, Ph.D.
I have fallen asleep the past few nights thinking of my closest friends, all of whom, to varying degrees, are experiencing the temporary discomfort of having to make life-changing decisions.
At this juncture and to my dismay, I am but a concerned onlooker in the pied-à-terre of their lives, relegated to be present for and with them without the ability to offer much more than my open heart, my love and a listening ear. It is within the veracity of this helplessness that I feel compelled to examine the place and purpose of my presence in the lives of my most precious company.
This is a largely counterintuitive undertaking. As a student of enlightenment, I am remiss in my efforts to make sense out of what simply “is”. As a mere mortal, however, I am preoccupied with the realities of cause and effect, and how “what is” affects me. To wit, my ego is winking; trying to coax me into a level of self-preservation, cleverly disguised as a “need to know”. It is tempting me into a fear of an uncertain future. It is a reckoning in which I intend to meet straight on.
This requires that I give my time and attention to making sure that I remain at the top of my own “to do” list; that I remain present in my own life, proactively and courageously attuned to the happy and whole life to which I aspire and deserve. It means that I care enough about myself and others to refrain from unwittingly assuming responsibility for pursuits of happiness other than my own.
My sense is that some alliances will fall by the wayside on the crossroads of mutual decision-making; some sooner than others. Rather than allow the disappointment of that reality its desired power, I choose to appreciate it.
In doing so, I am free from the perception of time as an obligation; no longer compelled to remain in a place because of an unfortunate contract with a calendar or a watch. I am liberated to join the celebration of transformation, without the egotistical mourning associated with holding on to what must necessarily change.
Regardless of the span, circumstance or outcome, I believe that there is mutual purpose in the movement and appearance of every person in our lives. The purpose may not be readily apparent; but the place is constant confirmation.
“Pillow Talk” is moving to WordPress.com.
Stay tuned for details.